Texas Statutes
Agriculture Code
Title 2. Department of Agriculture
Chapter 12. Powers and Duties
Sec. 12.001. Execution of Laws.
Sec. 12.0011. Authority to Enter Into Cooperative Agreements.
Sec. 12.0012. Notification.
Sec. 12.002. Development of Agriculture.
Sec. 12.0025. Nutrition Programs.
Sec. 12.0026. Interagency Farm-to-school Coordination Task Force.
Sec. 12.0027. Nutrition Outreach Program.
Sec. 12.0028. Limitation On Sanctions Imposed On School Districts for Sale of Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value.
Sec. 12.0029. Summer Nutrition Programs.
Sec. 12.003. Agricultural Societies.
Sec. 12.006. Development of Domestic and Foreign Markets.
Sec. 12.007. Plant Diseases and Pests.
Sec. 12.010. Correspondence with Government Agencies and Others.
Sec. 12.011. Agricultural Resource Statistics.
Sec. 12.013. Employees.
Sec. 12.0135. Conflict Provisions.
Sec. 12.0144. Fee Schedule.
Sec. 12.0145. Submission of Proposed Fee Schedule.
Sec. 12.015. Cooperation with Texas A & M University and Experiment Stations.
Sec. 12.016. Rules.
Sec. 12.0175. "go-texan" Program.
Sec. 12.0176. Cooperation with Certain Commodity Producers Boards.
Sec. 12.0177. Texas Nursery and Floral Account.
Sec. 12.018. Testing.
Sec. 12.020. Administrative Penalties.
Sec. 12.0201. License Sanctions.
Sec. 12.0202. Administrative Hearings.
Sec. 12.0203. Negotiated Rulemaking and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Sec. 12.0204. Advisory Committees.
Sec. 12.0205. Coordination of Consumer Protection Enforcement with Office of Attorney General.
Sec. 12.021. Fee for Phytosanitation Inspection; Issuance of Certificate.
Sec. 12.022. Authority to Solicit and Accept Gifts, Grants, and Donations.
Sec. 12.023. Expiration of Registration Or Licenses.
Sec. 12.024. Late Renewal of License Or Registration.
Sec. 12.025. Program Accessibility Plan.
Sec. 12.026. Public Interest Information.
Sec. 12.02601. Complaints.
Sec. 12.0261. Administrative Procedure.
Sec. 12.027. Economic Development Program.
Sec. 12.0271. Rural Economic Development and Investment Program.
Sec. 12.0272. Texas Economic Development Fund.
Sec. 12.0273. Limitations On Loans and Grants from Texas Economic Development Fund.
Sec. 12.028. Competitive Bidding Or Advertising.
Sec. 12.029. Minority and Female-owned Business Contracts.
Sec. 12.031. Advertising, Publications, and Fees.
Sec. 12.032. Cooperation with State Office of Administrative Hearings.
Sec. 12.033. Multiple Licenses.
Sec. 12.034. Refund Or Waiver of Fees.
Sec. 12.035. Notice to Examinee.
Sec. 12.036. Licensing Out-of-state Applicants.
Sec. 12.037. Continuing Education.
Sec. 12.038. Office of Rural Affairs.
Sec. 12.039. Certain Wine Produced Or Bottled in This State.
Sec. 12.040. Texas Certified Retirement Community Program.
Sec. 12.041. School Breakfast and Lunch Program.
Sec. 12.042. Home-delivered Meal Grant Program.
Sec. 12.046. Texas Rural Investment Fund.
Sec. 12.047. Use of Technology.
Sec. 12.048. Obtaining Criminal History Record Information.
Sec. 12.050. Trade Agricultural Inspection Grant Program.
Sec. 12.051. Farmer Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Program.