Texas Statutes
Agriculture Code
Title 4. Agricultural Organizations
Chapter 54. Mutual Loan Corporations
Sec. 54.001. Purpose.
Sec. 54.002. Powers.
Sec. 54.003. Incorporators.
Sec. 54.004. Capital Stock Requirement for Incorporation.
Sec. 54.005. Capital Stock.
Sec. 54.006. Investment by Other Corporations.
Sec. 54.007. Investment of Capital.
Sec. 54.008. Ratio of Capital to Loans.
Sec. 54.009. Loans and Discounts.
Sec. 54.010. Liability of Shareholder.
Sec. 54.011. Repurchase of Stock.
Sec. 54.012. Reports.
Sec. 54.013. Exemption from Franchise Tax.