Texas Statutes
Agriculture Code
Title 5. Production, Processing, and Sale of Horticultural Products
Subtitle B. Horticultural Diseases and Pests
Chapter 73. Citrus Diseases and Pests
Sec. 73.001. Definition.
Sec. 73.002. Policy.
Sec. 73.003. Citrus Zone.
Sec. 73.004. Injurious Diseases and Pests.
Sec. 73.005. Movement of Infected Nursery Products and Other Hosts Into Citrus Zone.
Sec. 73.006. Certificate of Inspection; Permit.
Sec. 73.007. Protection of Carrier from Damages.
Sec. 73.008. Department Employees and Expenses Outside the State.
Sec. 73.009. Penalties.
Sec. 73.010. Civil Penalty; Injunction.