Texas Statutes
Agriculture Code
Title 5. Production, Processing, and Sale of Horticultural Products
Subtitle B. Horticultural Diseases and Pests
Chapter 74. Cotton Diseases and Pests
Subchapter A. Cotton Pest Control
Sec. 74.001. Public Nuisance.
Sec. 74.002. Definitions.
Sec. 74.003. Establishment of Pest Management Zones.
Sec. 74.0031. Cotton Stalk Destruction.
Sec. 74.0032. Hostable Cotton Fee.
Sec. 74.004. Destruction of Host Plants.
Sec. 74.0041. Regulation of Planting Dates.
Sec. 74.005. Entry Power; Inspections.
Sec. 74.006. Rules.
Sec. 74.007. Offenses; Penalty.
Sec. 74.008. Civil Penalty; Injunction.
Sec. 74.009. Cotton Pest Control and Eradication Policy.
Sec. 74.010. Regulation of Cotton Pests; Quarantines.
Sec. 74.011. Regulation of Ginning.
Sec. 74.012. Inspectors.
Sec. 74.013. Cooperation with Federal Programs.