Texas Statutes
Business Organizations Code
Title 1. General Provisions
Chapter 5. Names of Entities; Registered Agents and Registered Offices
Subchapter B. General Provisions Relating to Names of Entities
Sec. 5.051. Assumed Name.
Sec. 5.052. Unauthorized Purpose in Name Prohibited.
Sec. 5.053. Distinguishable Names Required.
Sec. 5.054. Name of Corporation, Foreign Corporation, Professional Corporation, Or Foreign Professional Corporation.
Sec. 5.055. Name of Limited Partnership Or Foreign Limited Partnership.
Sec. 5.056. Name of Limited Liability Company Or Foreign Limited Liability Company.
Sec. 5.0561. Name of Registered Series of Limited Liability Company.
Sec. 5.057. Name of Cooperative Association Or Foreign Cooperative Association.
Sec. 5.058. Name of Professional Association Or Foreign Professional Association.
Sec. 5.059. Name of Professional Limited Liability Company Or Foreign Professional Limited Liability Company.
Sec. 5.060. Name of Professional Entity Or Foreign Professional Entity; Conflicts with Other Law Or Ethical Rule.
Sec. 5.061. Name Containing "lotto" Or "lottery" Prohibited.
Sec. 5.062. Veterans Organizations; Unauthorized Use of Name.
Sec. 5.063. Name of Limited Liability Partnership.
Sec. 5.064. Name Falsely Implying Governmental Affiliation Prohibited.
Sec. 5.065. False Implication of Governmental Affiliation; Authority of Secretary of State and Attorney General.