Texas Statutes
Business Organizations Code
Title 1. General Provisions
Chapter 5. Names of Entities; Registered Agents and Registered Offices
Subchapter E. Registered Agents and Registered Offices
Sec. 5.200. Definitions.
Sec. 5.201. Designation and Maintenance of Registered Agent and Registered Office.
Sec. 5.2011. Consent to Serve As Registered Agent.
Sec. 5.202. Change by Entity to Registered Office Or Registered Agent.
Sec. 5.203. Change by Registered Agent to Name Or Address of Registered Office.
Sec. 5.204. Resignation of Registered Agent.
Sec. 5.205. Rejection of Appointment.
Sec. 5.206. Duties of Registered Agent.
Sec. 5.207. Designation of Registered Agent Without Consent; Penalties and Liabilities.
Sec. 5.208. Immunity from Liability.