Texas Statutes
Business Organizations Code
Title 2. Corporations
Chapter 22. Nonprofit Corporations
Subchapter C. Formation and Governing Documents
Sec. 22.101. Incorporation of Certain Organizations.
Sec. 22.102. Bylaws.
Sec. 22.103. Inconsistency Between Certificate of Formation and Bylaw.
Sec. 22.104. Organization Meeting.
Sec. 22.105. Procedures to Adopt Amendment to Certificate of Formation by Members Having Voting Rights.
Sec. 22.106. Procedures to Adopt Amendment to Certificate of Formation by Managing Members.
Sec. 22.107. Procedures to Adopt Amendment to Certificate of Formation by Board of Directors.
Sec. 22.108. Number of Amendments Subject to Vote at Meeting.
Sec. 22.109. Restated Certificate of Formation.