Texas Statutes
Civil Practice and Remedies Code
Title 2. Trial, Judgment, and Appeal
Subtitle C. Judgments
Chapter 31. Judgments
Sec. 31.001. Passage of Title.
Sec. 31.002. Collection of Judgment Through Court Proceeding.
Sec. 31.0025. Authority of Court to Order Turnover of Wages.
Sec. 31.003. Judgment Against Partnership.
Sec. 31.004. Effect of Adjudication in Lower Trial Court.
Sec. 31.005. Effect of Adjudication in Small Claims Or Justice of the Peace Court.
Sec. 31.006. Revival of Judgment.
Sec. 31.007. Parties Responsible for Accounting of Own Costs.
Sec. 31.008. Payment of Unclaimed Judgment.
Sec. 31.010. Turnover by Financial Institution.