Texas Statutes
Civil Practice and Remedies Code
Title 2. Trial, Judgment, and Appeal
Subtitle C. Judgments
Chapter 36a. Enforcement of Judgments of Other Countries
Sec. 36a.001. Short Title.
Sec. 36a.002. Definitions.
Sec. 36a.003. Applicability.
Sec. 36a.004. Standards for Recognition of Foreign-country Judgment.
Sec. 36a.005. Personal Jurisdiction.
Sec. 36a.006. Procedure for Recognition of Foreign-country Judgment.
Sec. 36a.007. Effect of Recognition of Foreign-country Judgment.
Sec. 36a.008. Stay of Proceedings Pending Appeal of Foreign-country Judgment.
Sec. 36a.009. Statute of Limitations.
Sec. 36a.010. Uniformity of Interpretation.
Sec. 36a.011. Saving Clause.