Texas Statutes
Civil Practice and Remedies Code
Title 2. Trial, Judgment, and Appeal
Subtitle C. Judgments
Chapter 37. Declaratory Judgments
Sec. 37.001. Definition.
Sec. 37.002. Short Title, Construction, Interpretation.
Sec. 37.003. Power of Courts to Render Judgment; Form and Effect.
Sec. 37.004. Subject Matter of Relief.
Sec. 37.005. Declarations Relating to Trust Or Estate.
Sec. 37.0055. Declarations Relating to Liability for Sales and Use Taxes of Another State.
Sec. 37.006. Parties.
Sec. 37.007. Jury Trial.
Sec. 37.008. Court Refusal to Render.
Sec. 37.009. Costs.
Sec. 37.010. Review.
Sec. 37.011. Supplemental Relief.