Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 2. Public Education
Subtitle B. State and Regional Organization and Governance
Chapter 8. Regional Education Service Centers
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 8.001. Establishment.
Sec. 8.002. Purpose.
Sec. 8.003. Governance.
Sec. 8.004. Executive Director.
Sec. 8.005. Exemption from Taxation.
Sec. 8.006. Immunity from Liability.
Sec. 8.007. Transferability of Leave.
Sec. 8.008. Applicability of Certain Laws Relating to Political Activities.
Sec. 8.009. Applicability of Certain Laws Relating to Conflict of Interest.
Sec. 8.011. Nepotism Prohibition.
Sec. 8.012. Contract Management Guide.