Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 2. Public Education
Subtitle D. Educators and School District Employees and Volunteers
Chapter 21. Educators
Subchapter I. Duties and Benefits
Sec. 21.401. Minimum Service Required.
Sec. 21.402. Minimum Salary Schedule for Certain Professional Staff.
Sec. 21.4021. Furloughs.
Sec. 21.4022. Required Process for Development of Furlough Program Or Other Salary Reduction Proposal.
Sec. 21.403. Placement On Minimum Salary Schedule.
Sec. 21.4031. Professional Staff Service Records.
Sec. 21.4032. Reductions in Salaries of Classroom Teachers and Administrators.
Sec. 21.404. Planning and Preparation Time.
Sec. 21.4045. Planning and Noninstructional Duties of Teachers.
Sec. 21.405. Duty-free Lunch.
Sec. 21.406. Denial of Compensation Based On Absence for Religious Observance Prohibited.
Sec. 21.407. Requiring Or Coercing Teachers to Join Groups, Clubs, Committees, Or Organizations: Political Affairs.
Sec. 21.408. Right to Join Or Not to Join Professional Association.
Sec. 21.409. Leave of Absence for Temporary Disability.
Sec. 21.414. Classroom Supply Reimbursement Program.
Sec. 21.415. Employment Contracts.