Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 2. Public Education
Subtitle D. Educators and School District Employees and Volunteers
Chapter 22. School District Employees and Volunteers
Subchapter B. Civil Immunity
Sec. 22.051. Definition; Other Immunity.
Sec. 22.0511. Immunity from Liability.
Sec. 22.0512. Immunity from Disciplinary Proceedings for Professional Employees.
Sec. 22.05125. Immunity from Disciplinary Proceedings for Classroom Teachers.
Sec. 22.0513. Notice of Claim.
Sec. 22.0514. Exhaustion of Remedies.
Sec. 22.0515. Limitation On Damages.
Sec. 22.0516. Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Sec. 22.0517. Recovery of Attorney's Fees in Action Against Professional Employee.
Sec. 22.052. Administration of Medication by School District Employees Or Volunteer Professionals; Immunity from Liability.
Sec. 22.053. School District Volunteers.
Sec. 22.054. Liability of Certain Institutions of Higher Education.
Sec. 22.055. Frivolous Suit Against Employee.