Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 2. Public Education
Subtitle F. Curriculum, Programs, and Services
Chapter 29. Educational Programs
Subchapter I. Programs for Students Who Are Deaf Or Hard of Hearing
Sec. 29.301. Definitions.
Sec. 29.302. Findings.
Sec. 29.303. Unique Communication.
Sec. 29.304. Qualifications of Personnel.
Sec. 29.305. Language Mode Peers.
Sec. 29.306. Familial and Advocate Involvement.
Sec. 29.307. Role Models.
Sec. 29.308. Regional Programs.
Sec. 29.309. Composition of Local Special Education Advisory Committee.
Sec. 29.310. Procedures and Materials for Assessment and Placement.
Sec. 29.311. Educational Programs.
Sec. 29.312. Psychological Counseling Services.
Sec. 29.313. Evaluation of Programs.
Sec. 29.314. Transition Into Regular Class.
Sec. 29.315. Texas School for the Deaf Memorandum of Understanding.
Sec. 29.316. Language Acquisition.