Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 2. Public Education
Subtitle G. Safe Schools
Chapter 38. Health and Safety
Subchapter E. Maintenance and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-injectors and Medication for Respiratory Distress
Sec. 38.201. Definitions.
Sec. 38.202. Advisory Committee: Establishment and Composition.
Sec. 38.203. Advisory Committee: Presiding Officer.
Sec. 38.204. Advisory Committee: Compensation and Expenses.
Sec. 38.205. Advisory Committee: Applicability of Other Law.
Sec. 38.206. Advisory Committee: Open Meetings.
Sec. 38.207. Advisory Committee: Duties.
Sec. 38.208. Maintenance and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-injectors and Medication for Respiratory Distress.
Sec. 38.209. Report On Administering Epinephrine Auto-injector.
Sec. 38.2091. Report On Administering Medication for Respiratory Distress.
Sec. 38.210. Training.
Sec. 38.211. Prescription of Epinephrine Auto-injectors and Medication for Respiratory Distress.
Sec. 38.212. Notice to Parents.
Sec. 38.213. Gifts, Grants, and Donations.
Sec. 38.214. Rules.
Sec. 38.215. Immunity from Liability.