Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 2. Public Education
Subtitle I. School Finance and Fiscal Management
Chapter 49. Options for Local Revenue Levels in Excess of Entitlement
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 49.001. Definitions.
Sec. 49.002. Options to Reduce Local Revenue Level.
Sec. 49.003. Inclusion of Attendance Credit and Nonresidents in Weighted Average Daily Attendance.
Sec. 49.004. Annual Review of Local Revenues.
Sec. 49.0041. Local Revenue Level in Excess of Entitlement After Review Notification.
Sec. 49.0042. Transitional Provisions: Increased Homestead Exemption and Limitation On Tax Increases.
Sec. 49.005. Comptroller and Appraisal District Cooperation.
Sec. 49.006. Rules.
Sec. 49.007. Commissioner to Approve Subsequent Boundary Changes.
Sec. 49.008. Homestead Exemptions.
Sec. 49.009. Tax Abatements.
Sec. 49.010. Tax Increment Obligations.
Sec. 49.011. Contingency.
Sec. 49.012. Date of Elections.
Sec. 49.0121. Transitional Election Dates.
Sec. 49.013. Procedure.