Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 3. Higher Education
Subtitle B. State Coordination of Higher Education
Chapter 61. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Subchapter S. Transfer of Credit
Sec. 61.821. Definitions.
Sec. 61.822. Transfer of Credits; Core Curriculum.
Sec. 61.823. Field of Study Curriculum.
Sec. 61.8235. Career and Technical Education Program of Study Curricula.
Sec. 61.824. Institutional Evaluations.
Sec. 61.825. Board Evaluations.
Sec. 61.826. Dispute Resolution.
Sec. 61.827. Rules.
Sec. 61.828. Concurrently Enrolled Students.
Sec. 61.829. Effect On Other Policies.
Sec. 61.830. Publication of Guidelines Addressing Transfer Practices.
Sec. 61.831. Purpose of Subchapter.
Sec. 61.832. Common Course Numbering System.
Sec. 61.833. Credit Transfer for Associate Degree.
Sec. 61.834. Texas Direct Associate Degree.
Sec. 61.835. Transferable College Credit for Heroes Curricula.