Texas Statutes
Education Code
Title 3. Higher Education
Subtitle G. Non-baccalaureate System
Chapter 130a. Public Junior College State Finance Program
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 130a.001. Legislative Intent.
Sec. 130a.002. Purpose.
Sec. 130a.003. Definitions.
Sec. 130a.004. Program Components.
Sec. 130a.005. Administration of Program.
Sec. 130a.006. Required Reporting.
Sec. 130a.007. Commissioner Authority to Resolve Data Reporting Errors and Unintended Consequences from Funding Formulas.
Sec. 130a.008. Census Date Eligibility.
Sec. 130a.009. Recovery of Overallocated Funds.
Sec. 130a.010. Gifts, Grants, and Donations.