Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 10. Political Parties
Subtitle A. Introductory Provisions
Chapter 162. Regulating Participation in Party Affairs
Sec. 162.001. Affiliation with Party Required.
Sec. 162.002. Eligibility to Affiliate.
Sec. 162.003. Affiliation by Voting in Primary.
Sec. 162.004. Affiliation Procedure: Voting at Polling Place.
Sec. 162.005. Affiliation Procedure: Early Voting by Mail.
Sec. 162.006. Affiliation by Taking Oath.
Sec. 162.007. Affiliation Procedure: Taking Oath at Precinct Convention.
Sec. 162.008. Affiliation Procedure: Taking Oath Generally.
Sec. 162.009. Contents of Affiliation Certificate.
Sec. 162.010. Duration of Affiliation.
Sec. 162.011. Presentation of False Evidence of Affiliation Prohibited.
Sec. 162.012. Ineligibility to Affiliate with Another Party.
Sec. 162.013. Void Vote.
Sec. 162.014. Unlawful Participation in Party Affairs.
Sec. 162.015. Restrictions On Candidacy in General Election by Candidate Or Voter in Primary.
Sec. 162.016. Withdrawn Convention Nominee Ineligible for Another Nomination.
Sec. 162.017. Preregistration.