Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 10. Political Parties
Subtitle B. Parties Nominating by Primary Election
Chapter 172. Primary Elections
Subchapter D. Ballot
Sec. 172.081. Primary Committee.
Sec. 172.082. Order of Names On General Primary Ballot: Regular Drawing.
Sec. 172.083. Review and Approval of Ballot by Primary Committee.
Sec. 172.084. Order of Names On Runoff Primary Ballot.
Sec. 172.085. Name of Party On Ballot.
Sec. 172.086. Pledge On Ballot.
Sec. 172.087. Referendum Ordered by State Executive Committee.
Sec. 172.088. Voter Petition for Referendum.
Sec. 172.089. Order of Party Offices On Ballot.
Sec. 172.090. Separate Ballot for Office of Precinct Chair.