Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 14. Election Contests
Subtitle B. Contests in District Court
Chapter 232. Contests for Office
Subchapter A. Trial and Disposition of Contest
Sec. 232.001. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 232.002. Contestant.
Sec. 232.003. Contestee: General Rule.
Sec. 232.004. Substitute Contestee.
Sec. 232.005. Additional Contestee.
Sec. 232.006. Venue.
Sec. 232.007. Runoff Not Held Until Final Judgment.
Sec. 232.008. Filing Period for Petition.
Sec. 232.009. Notice of Contest to Canvassing Authority.
Sec. 232.010. Filing Period for Answer.
Sec. 232.011. Return of Unserved Citation.
Sec. 232.012. Accelerated Procedures for Trial of Certain Contests.
Sec. 232.013. Rescheduling Runoff for Contested Race.
Sec. 232.014. Accelerated Appeal in Primary Contest.
Sec. 232.015. Acceleration of Appeal by Court in Contest of General Or Special Election.
Sec. 232.016. Appeal Suspends Execution of Judgment.