Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 14. Election Contests
Subtitle B. Contests in District Court
Chapter 233. Contest On Measure
Sec. 233.001. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 233.002. Contestant.
Sec. 233.003. Contestee.
Sec. 233.004. Intervention.
Sec. 233.005. Venue.
Sec. 233.006. Filing Period for Petition.
Sec. 233.007. Filing Period for Answer.
Sec. 233.008. Return of Unserved Citation.
Sec. 233.009. Notice of Filing and Outcome of Contest to Authority Receiving Election Certification.
Sec. 233.010. Effect of Contest On Implementation of Adopted Measure.
Sec. 233.011. New Election Ordered If Contested Election Void.
Sec. 233.012. Effect of Void Election.
Sec. 233.013. Consolidation of Contest.
Sec. 233.014. Special Procedures for Contest of Constitutional Amendment Election.