Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 14. Election Contests
Subtitle C. Contests in Other Tribunals
Chapter 241. Contest for State Senator Or Representative
Sec. 241.001. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 241.002. Parties.
Sec. 241.003. Petition.
Sec. 241.004. Answer.
Sec. 241.005. Method of Delivering Contest Papers to Parties.
Sec. 241.006. Delivery of Contest Papers to Presiding Officer.
Sec. 241.0061. Security for Costs.
Sec. 241.007. Runoff Delayed.
Sec. 241.008. Presiding Officer As Party.
Sec. 241.009. Master of Discovery.
Sec. 241.0091. Frivolous Petition.
Sec. 241.010. Discovery and Depositions.
Sec. 241.011. Referral of Contest to Committee; Hearing by Committee.
Sec. 241.012. Hearing Procedure.
Sec. 241.013. Evidence.
Sec. 241.014. Attendance of Witnesses.
Sec. 241.015. Committee Report.
Sec. 241.016. Minority Report.
Sec. 241.017. Withdrawal of Contest.
Sec. 241.018. Disposition of Contest by House.
Sec. 241.019. Disposition of Contest by Committee.
Sec. 241.020. New Election Ordered If Contested Election Void.
Sec. 241.021. Delivery of Certified Copies of Judgment.
Sec. 241.022. Procedures for New Election Generally.
Sec. 241.023. Accelerated Election Schedule.
Sec. 241.024. Candidates in New Election.
Sec. 241.025. Costs of Contest.