Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 14. Election Contests
Subtitle C. Contests in Other Tribunals
Chapter 243. Contest for Presidential Electors
Sec. 243.001. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 243.002. Parties.
Sec. 243.003. Petition.
Sec. 243.004. Notice to Contestees.
Sec. 243.005. Answer.
Sec. 243.006. Hearing of Contest.
Sec. 243.007. Master of Discovery.
Sec. 243.008. Discovery and Depositions.
Sec. 243.009. Hearing Procedure.
Sec. 243.010. Evidence.
Sec. 243.011. Attendance of Witnesses.
Sec. 243.012. Disposition of Contest.
Sec. 243.013. Costs of Contest.