Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 15. Regulating Political Funds and Campaigns
Chapter 251. General Provisions
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 251.001. Definitions.
Sec. 251.0015. Communication with Candidate.
Sec. 251.0016. Common Vendor.
Sec. 251.002. Officeholders Covered.
Sec. 251.003. Prohibition of Document Filing Fee.
Sec. 251.004. Venue.
Sec. 251.005. Out-of-state Committees Excluded.
Sec. 251.006. Federal Office Excluded.
Sec. 251.007. Timeliness of Action by Mail.
Sec. 251.008. Certain Political Club Meetings Excluded.
Sec. 251.009. Legislative Caucus Contribution Or Expenditure Not Considered to Be Officeholder Contribution Or Expenditure.