Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 15. Regulating Political Funds and Campaigns
Chapter 252. Campaign Treasurer
Sec. 252.001. Appointment of Campaign Treasurer Required.
Sec. 252.0011. Ineligibility for Appointment As Campaign Treasurer.
Sec. 252.002. Contents of Appointment.
Sec. 252.003. Contents of Appointment by General-purpose Committee.
Sec. 252.0031. Contents of Appointment by Specific-purpose Committee.
Sec. 252.0032. Contents of Appointment by Candidate.
Sec. 252.004. Designation of Oneself.
Sec. 252.005. Authority with Whom Appointment Filed: Candidate.
Sec. 252.006. Authority with Whom Appointment Filed: Specific-purpose Committee for Supporting Or Opposing Candidate Or Assisting Officeholder.
Sec. 252.007. Authority with Whom Appointment Filed: Specific-purpose Committee for Supporting Or Opposing Measure.
Sec. 252.008. Multiple Filings by Specific-purpose Committee Not Required.
Sec. 252.009. Authority with Whom Appointment Filed: General-purpose Committee.
Sec. 252.010. Transfer of Appointment.
Sec. 252.011. Time Appointment Takes Effect; Period of Effectiveness.
Sec. 252.012. Removal of Campaign Treasurer.
Sec. 252.013. Termination of Appointment On Vacating Position.
Sec. 252.0131. Termination of Campaign Treasurer Appointment.
Sec. 252.014. Preservation of Filed Appointments.
Sec. 252.015. Assistant Campaign Treasurer.