Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 5. Election Supplies
Chapter 51. Election Supplies
Subchapter A. Procuring, Allocating, and Distributing Election Supplies
Sec. 51.001. Election Supplies.
Sec. 51.002. County Election Board.
Sec. 51.003. Procuring and Allocating Supplies.
Sec. 51.004. Distributing Supplies.
Sec. 51.005. Number of Ballots.
Sec. 51.006. Preparing Ballots for Distribution.
Sec. 51.007. Record of Ballot Distribution.
Sec. 51.008. Supplementing Distributed Ballots.
Sec. 51.009. Sheriff to Deliver Supplies.
Sec. 51.010. Failure to Distribute Or Deliver Supplies.
Sec. 51.011. Obstructing Distribution of Supplies.
Sec. 51.013. Identification of Printers for Primary Election Or General Election for State and County Officers.