Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 6. Conduct of Elections
Chapter 62. Preliminary Arrangements
Sec. 62.001. Officers to Assemble.
Sec. 62.002. Time for Completing Arrangements.
Sec. 62.003. Election Officers: Oath and Identification.
Sec. 62.004. Arranging Voting Stations.
Sec. 62.005. Examining Ballot Boxes.
Sec. 62.006. Placing Box for Deposit of Marked Ballots.
Sec. 62.007. Examining Ballots.
Sec. 62.008. Presiding Judge to Sign Ballots.
Sec. 62.009. Disarranging Ballots for Voters' Selection.
Sec. 62.010. Distance Marker.
Sec. 62.011. Instruction Poster.
Sec. 62.0111. Notice of Prohibition of Certain Devices.
Sec. 62.0112. Notice of Voter Complaint Information.
Sec. 62.0115. Public Notice of Voters' Rights.
Sec. 62.012. Posting Sample Ballot.
Sec. 62.013. Unauthorized Posting of Signs Prohibited.
Sec. 62.014. Modification of List of Registered Voters.
Sec. 62.015. Placing Indelible Marking Instrument in Station.
Sec. 62.016. Notice of Acceptable Identification Outside Polling Places.