Texas Statutes
Election Code
Title 9. Candidates
Chapter 146. Write-in Candidate
Subchapter B. Write-in Candidate in General Election for State and County Officers
Sec. 146.021. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 146.022. Candidate's Name Required to Appear On List.
Sec. 146.023. Declaration of Write-in Candidacy Required.
Sec. 146.0231. Filing Fee.
Sec. 146.0232. Number of Petition Signatures Required.
Sec. 146.024. Authority with Whom Declaration Filed.
Sec. 146.025. Filing Period.
Sec. 146.026. Review of Declaration.
Sec. 146.027. Limitation On Challenge of Declaration.
Sec. 146.028. Preservation of Declaration.
Sec. 146.029. Certification of Candidate for Placement On List of Write-in Candidates.
Sec. 146.030. Candidate Not Certified.
Sec. 146.0301. Withdrawal As Write-in Candidate.
Sec. 146.031. List of Write-in Candidates.
Sec. 146.032. Official Declaration Form.