Texas Statutes
Estates Code
Title 3. Guardianship and Related Procedures
Subtitle D. Creation of Guardianship
Chapter 1104. Selection of and Eligibility to Serve As Guardian
Subchapter E. Written Declaration to Designate Guardian Before Need Arises
Sec. 1104.201. Definitions.
Sec. 1104.202. Designation of Guardian for Declarant.
Sec. 1104.203. Requirements for Declaration.
Sec. 1104.204. Form and Content of Declaration and Self-proving Affidavit.
Sec. 1104.205. Alternative to Self-proving Affidavit.
Sec. 1104.206. Alternate Self-proving of Declaration.
Sec. 1104.207. Filing of Declaration and Self-proving Affidavit.
Sec. 1104.208. Proof of Declaration.
Sec. 1104.209. Prima Facie Evidence.
Sec. 1104.210. Revocation of Declaration.
Sec. 1104.211. Effect of Divorce On Designation of Spouse.
Sec. 1104.212. Alternate Or Other Court-appointed Guardian.