Texas Statutes
Estates Code
Title 3. Guardianship and Related Procedures
Subtitle D. Creation of Guardianship
Chapter 1105. Qualification of Guardians
Subchapter C. General Provisions Relating to Bonds
Sec. 1105.101. Bond Generally Required; Exceptions.
Sec. 1105.102. Bond for Certain Guardians of the Person.
Sec. 1105.103. Bond Required from Guardian Otherwise Exempt.
Sec. 1105.104. Bonds of Joint Guardians.
Sec. 1105.105. Bond of Married Person.
Sec. 1105.106. Bond of Married Person Younger Than 18 Years of Age.
Sec. 1105.107. Bond of Guardianship Program.
Sec. 1105.108. Subscription of Bond by Principals and Sureties.
Sec. 1105.109. Form of Bond.
Sec. 1105.110. Filing of Bond.
Sec. 1105.111. Failure to Give Bond.
Sec. 1105.112. Bond Not Void On First Recovery.