Texas Statutes
Estates Code
Title 3. Guardianship and Related Procedures
Subtitle H. Court-authorized Trusts and Accounts
Chapter 1301. Management Trusts
Subchapter B. Creation of Management Trusts
Sec. 1301.051. Eligibility to Apply for Creation of Trust.
Sec. 1301.0511. Notice Required for Application for Creation of Trust; Citation of Applicant Not Required.
Sec. 1301.052. Venue for Proceeding Involving Trust for An Alleged Incapacitated Person.
Sec. 1301.053. Creation of Trust.
Sec. 1301.054. Creation of Trust for Incapacitated Person Without Guardian.
Sec. 1301.055. Authority of Court to Appoint Guardian Instead of Creating Trust.
Sec. 1301.056. Contents of Order Creating Trust.
Sec. 1301.057. Appointment of Trustee.
Sec. 1301.058. Bond Requirements for Trustees.