Texas Statutes
Estates Code
Title 3. Guardianship and Related Procedures
Subtitle I. Other Special Proceedings and Substitutes for Guardianship
Chapter 1357. Supported Decision-making Agreement Act
Subchapter B. Scope of Agreement and Agreement Requirements
Sec. 1357.051. Scope of Supported Decision-making Agreement.
Sec. 1357.052. Authority of Supporter; Nature of Relationship.
Sec. 1357.0525. Designation of Alternate Supporter in Certain Circumstances.
Sec. 1357.053. Term of Agreement.
Sec. 1357.054. Access to Personal Information.
Sec. 1357.055. Authorizing and Witnessing of Supported Decision-making Agreement.
Sec. 1357.056. Form of Supported Decision-making Agreement.