Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle A. General Provisions
Chapter 101. Definitions
Sec. 101.001. Applicability of Definitions.
Sec. 101.0010. Acknowledged Father.
Sec. 101.0011. Administrative Writ of Withholding.
Sec. 101.0015. Alleged Father.
Sec. 101.0017. Amicus Attorney.
Sec. 101.0018. Attorney Ad Litem.
Sec. 101.003. Child Or Minor; Adult.
Sec. 101.004. Child Support Agency.
Sec. 101.005. Child Support Review Officer.
Sec. 101.006. Child Support Services.
Sec. 101.007. Clear and Convincing Evidence.
Sec. 101.008. Court.
Sec. 101.009. Danger to Physical Health Or Safety of Child.
Sec. 101.0094. Dental Insurance.
Sec. 101.0095. Dental Support.
Sec. 101.0096. Digitized Signature.
Sec. 101.010. Disposable Earnings.
Sec. 101.011. Earnings.
Sec. 101.012. Employer.
Sec. 101.0125. Family Violence.
Sec. 101.013. Filed.
Sec. 101.0133. Foster Care.
Sec. 101.0134. Foster Child.
Sec. 101.014. Governmental Entity.
Sec. 101.0145. Guardian Ad Litem.
Sec. 101.015. Health Insurance.
Sec. 101.016. Joint Managing Conservatorship.
Sec. 101.0161. Judicial Writ of Withholding.
Sec. 101.017. Licensed Child Placing Agency.
Sec. 101.018. Local Registry.
Sec. 101.019. Managing Conservatorship.
Sec. 101.020. Medical Support.
Sec. 101.0201. Notice of Application for Judicial Writ of Withholding.
Sec. 101.021. Obligee.
Sec. 101.022. Obligor.
Sec. 101.023. Order.
Sec. 101.024. Parent.
Sec. 101.025. Parent-child Relationship.
Sec. 101.0255. Record.
Sec. 101.026. Render.
Sec. 101.027. Parent Locator Service.
Sec. 101.028. School.
Sec. 101.029. Standard Possession Order.
Sec. 101.030. State.
Sec. 101.0301. State Case Registry.
Sec. 101.0302. State Disbursement Unit.
Sec. 101.031. Suit.
Sec. 101.032. Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship.
Sec. 101.033. Title Iv-d Agency.
Sec. 101.034. Title Iv-d Case.
Sec. 101.035. Tribunal.
Sec. 101.036. Vital Statistics Unit.