Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle A. General Provisions
Chapter 107. Special Appointments, Child Custody Evaluations, and Adoption Evaluations
Subchapter D. Child Custody Evaluation
Sec. 107.101. Definitions.
Sec. 107.102. Applicability.
Sec. 107.1025. Effect of Mental Examination.
Sec. 107.103. Order for Child Custody Evaluation.
Sec. 107.104. Child Custody Evaluator: Minimum Qualifications.
Sec. 107.105. Child Custody Evaluation: Specialized Training Required.
Sec. 107.106. Exception to Qualifications Required to Conduct Child Custody Evaluation.
Sec. 107.107. Child Custody Evaluator: Conflicts of Interest and Bias.
Sec. 107.108. General Provisions Applicable to Conduct of Child Custody Evaluation and Preparation of Report.
Sec. 107.109. Elements of Child Custody Evaluation.
Sec. 107.110. Psychometric Testing.
Sec. 107.1101. Effect of Potentially Undiagnosed Serious Mental Illness.
Sec. 107.111. Child Custody Evaluator Access to Investigative Records of Department; Offense.
Sec. 107.1111. Child Custody Evaluator Access to Other Records.
Sec. 107.112. Communications and Recordkeeping of Child Custody Evaluator.
Sec. 107.113. Child Custody Evaluation Report Required.
Sec. 107.114. Introduction and Provision of Child Custody Evaluation Report.
Sec. 107.115. Child Custody Evaluation Fee.