Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle B. Suits Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Chapter 153. Conservatorship, Possession, and Access
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 153.001. Public Policy.
Sec. 153.002. Best Interest of Child.
Sec. 153.003. No Discrimination Based On Sex Or Marital Status.
Sec. 153.004. History of Domestic Violence Or Sexual Abuse.
Sec. 153.005. Appointment of Sole Or Joint Managing Conservator.
Sec. 153.006. Appointment of Possessory Conservator.
Sec. 153.007. Agreed Parenting Plan.
Sec. 153.0071. Alternate Dispute Resolution Procedures.
Sec. 153.00715. Determination of Validity and Enforceability of Contract Containing Agreement to Arbitrate.
Sec. 153.009. Interview of Child in Chambers.
Sec. 153.010. Order for Family Counseling.
Sec. 153.011. Security Bond.
Sec. 153.012. Right to Privacy; Deletion of Personal Information in Records.
Sec. 153.013. False Report of Child Abuse.
Sec. 153.014. Visitation Centers and Visitation Exchange Facilities.
Sec. 153.015. Electronic Communication with Child by Conservator.