Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle B. Suits Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Chapter 153. Conservatorship, Possession, and Access
Subchapter G. Appointment of Nonparent As Conservator
Sec. 153.371. Rights and Duties of Nonparent Appointed As Sole Managing Conservator.
Sec. 153.372. Nonparent Appointed As Joint Managing Conservator.
Sec. 153.3721. Access to Certain Records by Nonparent Joint Managing Conservator.
Sec. 153.373. Voluntary Surrender of Possession Rebuts Parental Presumption.
Sec. 153.374. Designation of Managing Conservator in Affidavit of Relinquishment.
Sec. 153.375. Annual Report by Nonparent Managing Conservator.
Sec. 153.376. Rights and Duties of Nonparent Possessory Conservator.
Sec. 153.377. Access to Child's Records.