Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle B. Suits Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Chapter 161. Termination of the Parent-child Relationship
Subchapter B. Procedures
Sec. 161.101. Petition Allegations; Petition and Motion Requirements.
Sec. 161.102. Filing Suit for Termination Before Birth.
Sec. 161.103. Affidavit of Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights.
Sec. 161.1031. Medical History Report.
Sec. 161.1035. Revocability of Certain Affidavits.
Sec. 161.104. Rights of Designated Managing Conservator Pending Court Appointment.
Sec. 161.106. Affidavit of Waiver of Interest in Child.
Sec. 161.107. Missing Parent Or Relative.
Sec. 161.108. Release of Child from Hospital Or Birthing Center.
Sec. 161.109. Requirement of Paternity Registry Certificate.