Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle B. Suits Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Chapter 162. Adoption
Subchapter E. Voluntary Adoption Registries
Sec. 162.401. Purpose.
Sec. 162.402. Definitions.
Sec. 162.403. Establishment of Voluntary Adoption Registries.
Sec. 162.404. Requirement to Send Information to Central Registry.
Sec. 162.405. Determination of Appropriate Registry.
Sec. 162.406. Registration Eligibility.
Sec. 162.407. Registration.
Sec. 162.408. Proof of Identity.
Sec. 162.409. Application.
Sec. 162.411. Fees.
Sec. 162.412. Supplemental Information.
Sec. 162.413. Counseling.
Sec. 162.414. Matching Procedures.
Sec. 162.416. Disclosure of Identifying Information.
Sec. 162.419. Registry Records Confidential.
Sec. 162.420. Rulemaking.
Sec. 162.421. Prohibited Acts; Criminal Penalties.
Sec. 162.422. Immunity from Liability.