Texas Statutes
Family Code
Title 5. the Parent-child Relationship and the Suit Affecting the Parent-child Relationship
Subtitle C. Judicial Resources and Services
Chapter 201. Associate Judge
Subchapter A. Associate Judge
Sec. 201.001. Appointment.
Sec. 201.002. Qualifications.
Sec. 201.003. Compensation.
Sec. 201.004. Termination of Associate Judge.
Sec. 201.005. Cases That May Be Referred.
Sec. 201.006. Order of Referral.
Sec. 201.007. Powers of Associate Judge.
Sec. 201.008. Attendance of Bailiff.
Sec. 201.009. Court Reporter; Record.
Sec. 201.010. Witness.
Sec. 201.011. Report.
Sec. 201.012. Notice of Right to De Novo Hearing Before Referring Court.
Sec. 201.013. Order of Court.
Sec. 201.014. Judicial Action On Associate Judge's Proposed Order Or Judgment.
Sec. 201.015. De Novo Hearing Before Referring Court.
Sec. 201.016. Appellate Review.
Sec. 201.017. Immunity.
Sec. 201.018. Visiting Associate Judge.