Texas Statutes
Finance Code
Title 3. Financial Institutions and Businesses
Subtitle A. Banks
Chapter 59. Miscellaneous Provisions
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 59.001. Definitions.
Sec. 59.002. Slander Or Libel of Bank.
Sec. 59.003. Authority of Notary Public.
Sec. 59.004. Succession of Trust Powers.
Sec. 59.005. Agency Activities.
Sec. 59.006. Discovery of Customer Records.
Sec. 59.007. Attachment, Injunction, Execution, Or Garnishment.
Sec. 59.008. Claims Against Customers of Financial Institutions.
Sec. 59.009. Compliance Review Committee.
Sec. 59.010. Confidentiality of Administrative Subpoena.
Sec. 59.011. Lender Liability for Construction.
Sec. 59.012. Loans for Developments That Use Harvested Rainwater.