Texas Statutes
Finance Code
Title 4. Regulation of Interest, Loans, and Financed Transactions
Subtitle B. Loans and Financed Transactions
Chapter 348. Motor Vehicle Installment Sales
Subchapter C. Insurance
Sec. 348.201. Property Insurance.
Sec. 348.202. Credit Life and Credit Health and Accident Insurance.
Sec. 348.203. Maximum Amount of Credit Life and Credit Health and Accident Coverage.
Sec. 348.204. Insurance Statement.
Sec. 348.205. Statement If Liability Insurance Not Included in Contract.
Sec. 348.206. Insurance May Be Furnished by Buyer.
Sec. 348.207. Buyer's Failure to Provide Evidence of Insurance.
Sec. 348.208. Charges for Other Insurance and Forms of Protection Included in Retail Installment Contract.
Sec. 348.209. Requirements for Including Insurance Cost in Contract.
Sec. 348.210. Delivery of Insurance Document to Buyer.
Sec. 348.211. Holder's Duty If Insurance Is Adjusted Or Terminated.
Sec. 348.212. Gain Or Advantage from Insurance Not Additional Charge.
Sec. 348.213. Adding to Retail Installment Contract Premiums for Insurance Acquired After Transaction.
Sec. 348.214. Effect of Adding Premium to Contract.
Sec. 348.215. Financing Entity May Not Require Insurance from Particular Source.