Texas Statutes
Finance Code
Title 4. Regulation of Interest, Loans, and Financed Transactions
Subtitle B. Loans and Financed Transactions
Chapter 351. Property Tax Lenders
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 351.001. Short Title.
Sec. 351.002. Definitions.
Sec. 351.0021. Authorized Charges.
Sec. 351.0022. Waiver Prohibited.
Sec. 351.0023. Solicitation of Loans; Notice.
Sec. 351.003. Secondary Market Transactions.
Sec. 351.004. Affiliated Business Arrangements.
Sec. 351.005. Application of Tax Code.
Sec. 351.006. Enforcement.
Sec. 351.007. Rules.
Sec. 351.008. Examination of Lenders; Access to Records.
Sec. 351.009. General Investigation.
Sec. 351.010. Refusal to Allow Examination Or Inspection.
Sec. 351.011. Verification of Net Assets.
Sec. 351.012. Applicability of Chapter.