Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle A. Administrative Procedure and Practice
Chapter 2001. Administrative Procedure
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 2001.001. Purpose.
Sec. 2001.002. Short Title.
Sec. 2001.003. Definitions.
Sec. 2001.004. Requirement to Adopt Rules of Practice and Index Rules, Orders, and Decisions.
Sec. 2001.0045. Requirement for Rule Increasing Costs to Regulated Persons.
Sec. 2001.005. Rule, Order, Or Decision Not Effective Until Indexed.
Sec. 2001.006. Actions Preparatory to Implementation of Statute Or Rule.
Sec. 2001.007. Certain Explanatory Information Made Available Through Internet.