Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle A. Administrative Procedure and Practice
Chapter 2002. Texas Register and Administrative Code
Subchapter B. Texas Register
Sec. 2002.011. Texas Register.
Sec. 2002.012. Summaries of Opinions and Requests for Opinions.
Sec. 2002.013. Frequency of Publication.
Sec. 2002.014. Omission of Information.
Sec. 2002.015. Distribution.
Sec. 2002.0151. Electronic Availability of Texas Register.
Sec. 2002.016. Filing Procedures.
Sec. 2002.017. Rules.
Sec. 2002.018. Microfilm and Electronic Storage.
Sec. 2002.019. Table of Contents; Index.
Sec. 2002.020. Certification.
Sec. 2002.021. Agency Liaison.
Sec. 2002.022. Evidentiary Value of Texas Register; Citation.
Sec. 2002.023. Exceptions.