Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle A. Administrative Procedure and Practice
Chapter 2003. State Office of Administrative Hearings
Subchapter C. Staff and Administration
Sec. 2003.041. Employment of Administrative Law Judges.
Sec. 2003.0411. Senior and Master Administrative Law Judges.
Sec. 2003.0412. Ex Parte Consultations.
Sec. 2003.042. Powers of Administrative Law Judge.
Sec. 2003.0421. Sanctions.
Sec. 2003.043. Temporary Administrative Law Judge.
Sec. 2003.044. Staff.
Sec. 2003.045. Oversight of Administrative Law Judges.
Sec. 2003.0451. Training.
Sec. 2003.046. Central Hearings Panel.
Sec. 2003.047. Hearings for Texas Commission On Environmental Quality.
Sec. 2003.049. Utility Hearings.
Sec. 2003.050. Procedural Rules.
Sec. 2003.051. Role of Referring Agency.
Sec. 2003.052. Handling of Complaints.
Sec. 2003.053. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.
Sec. 2003.055. Effective Use of Technology.
Sec. 2003.056. Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy.
Sec. 2003.057. Hearing Translator.