Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle A. Administrative Procedure and Practice
Chapter 2003. State Office of Administrative Hearings
Subchapter Z. Appeals from Appraisal Review Board Determinations
Sec. 2003.901. Appeals from Appraisal Review Board Determinations.
Sec. 2003.902. Participating Offices and Remote Hearing Sites.
Sec. 2003.903. Rules.
Sec. 2003.904. Applicability to Real and Personal Property.
Sec. 2003.905. Education and Training of Administrative Law Judges.
Sec. 2003.906. Notice of Appeal to Office; Deposit.
Sec. 2003.907. Contents of Notice of Appeal.
Sec. 2003.908. Notice to Property Owners.
Sec. 2003.909. Designation of Administrative Law Judge; Location of Hearing.
Sec. 2003.910. Scope of Appeal; Hearing.
Sec. 2003.911. Representation of Parties.
Sec. 2003.912. Determination of Administrative Law Judge.
Sec. 2003.913. Payment of Taxes Pending Appeal.
Sec. 2003.914. Effect On Right to Judicial Appeal.