Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle D. State Purchasing and General Services
Chapter 2175. Surplus and Salvage Property
Subchapter G. Federal Surplus Property
Sec. 2175.361. Definitions.
Sec. 2175.362. Designated Agency; Separate and Independent Operation of Federal Surplus Property Program.
Sec. 2175.363. Acquisition, Warehousing, and Distribution of Federal Property.
Sec. 2175.364. Commission Assistance in Procurement and Use of Property.
Sec. 2175.365. State Plan of Operation; Compliance with Minimum Federal Standards.
Sec. 2175.366. Administrative Functions; Compliance with Federal Requirements.
Sec. 2175.367. Contracts.
Sec. 2175.368. Acquisition Or Improvement of Property; Rent Payments.
Sec. 2175.369. Charges.
Sec. 2175.370. Federal Surplus Property Service Charge Fund.
Sec. 2175.371. Advisory Boards and Committees.
Sec. 2175.372. Personnel.