Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle F. State and Local Contracts and Fund Management
Chapter 2254. Professional and Consulting Services
Subchapter C. Contingent Fee Contract for Legal Services
Sec. 2254.101. Definitions.
Sec. 2254.102. Applicability.
Sec. 2254.103. State Governmental Entity: Contract Approval; Signature.
Sec. 2254.1032. Political Subdivision: Selection of Provider.
Sec. 2254.1034. Political Subdivision: Indemnification.
Sec. 2254.1036. Political Subdivision: Contract Notice; Approval by Governing Body.
Sec. 2254.1037. Political Subdivision: Contract As Public Information.
Sec. 2254.1038. Political Subdivision: Attorney General Review of Contract.
Sec. 2254.104. Time and Expense Records Required; Final Statement.
Sec. 2254.105. Certain General Contract Requirements.
Sec. 2254.106. Contract Requirements: Computation of Contingent Fee; Reimbursement of Expenses.
Sec. 2254.107. Mixed Hourly and Contingent Fee Contracts; Reimbursement for Subcontracted Work.
Sec. 2254.108. Fee Payment and Expense Reimbursement.
Sec. 2254.109. Effect On Other Law.
Sec. 2254.110. Void Contract.