Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle F. State and Local Contracts and Fund Management
Chapter 2269. Contracting and Delivery Procedures for Construction Projects
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 2269.001. Definitions.
Sec. 2269.002. Applicability of Chapter to Governmental Entities Engaged in Public Works.
Sec. 2269.003. Conflict of Laws; Requirement to Follow Procedures of This Chapter.
Sec. 2269.004. Exemption: Texas Department of Transportation; Highway Projects.
Sec. 2269.005. Applicability: Institutions of Higher Education.
Sec. 2269.006. Exemption: Regional Tollway Authorities.
Sec. 2269.007. Exemption: Certain Local Government Corporation Improvement Projects.
Sec. 2269.008. Exemption: Regional Mobility Authorities.
Sec. 2269.009. Exemption: County Toll Authorities.
Sec. 2269.010. Exemption: Coordinated County Transportation Authority.